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A Brief History of Woodward Pointe

A Brief History of Woodward Pointe, James Island with Gary Keull

I had the pleasure of meeting Gary as a result of one of our neighborhood mailings. He is a St. Michael’s Place resident but was very involved in the formation of Woodward Pointe. I enjoyed learning more about our community over a cup of coffee.

1. Tell me about yourself. How did you come to live in St. Michael’s Place? I moved here in 1995 with NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). They were opening the Coastal Services Center. I was their web site developer and liaison between 4 major data centers around the country. I came down a half dozen times to look at houses. I liked James Island’s location: close to the beach and close to my work.

2. What makes this a great place to live? We have a great location, people maintain their properties, and we look out for one another (like during Hurricane Matthew). We also have a strong HOA that enforces our covenants.

3. Tell me how Woodward Pointe got started. When I moved here Woodward Pointe was all woods. In 1997 or 1998, a big sign went up saying they were going to build an apartment complex. The community was outraged. We had a meeting and the builders came and presented a beautiful plan. The community ended up going to the City and asked that the zoning be changed. We asked each of the City Council members to come out and take look. They did and each agreed that an apartment wasn’t right. The City changed the zoning and builders sued but got nowhere. Bill Woodward Sr. bought the property and presented a great plan to the community. The homes are beautiful.

4. What do you do as President of the Lake Frances Properties Neighborhood Council (LFPNC). The Lake Frances Properties Neighborhood Council was formed in April 2000. It's purpose is to work with all of the communities (6) that share Lake Frances Drive on issues that concern us all which primarily consists of maintenance of the common areas from Harborview Rd. to the entrance of St. Michael's Place. In the past, we have also dealt with speeding issues and safety issues and we distribute information that may be of interest to all via an email network.

5. How can people get more involved with our neighborhood? Best way to make a difference is to join your HOA. Another opportunity is to support our Lake. Check out the Lake Francis Owners group: Folks who do not live on the lake can pay a small membership fee to use it ($15). Fees go to preserve our Lake.

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